52 Oriel Road Clayfield Q 4011 Weekend Mass Times - Sunday 8am and 5.30pm | Weekday Mass time: Thursday 9am

The Parish Library

What and where is the Parish Library?Piety

The Parish Library is a wonderful resource located on the left hand side as you enter the main door of the church. The library has a large variety of books and publications to engage readers in many aspects of spirituality as well as keeping Parishioners updated about Church life, beliefs and decisions.

The library it is opened before and after each of the weekend masses.  Books are signed out and may be borrowed for a period of four weeks.

Can you be of assistance?

We are so fortunate to have our own Parish Library, however to maintain such an special resource we are  always happy for anyone who can assist. If you can give some of your time to help out with the Library please contact us below.

Our parish has implemented the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults policy.

We are committed to high standards of recruitment, screening and selection of all of our employees and volunteers and undertake intentional strategies to maintain a safe and healthy ministry environment for all.