52 Oriel Road Clayfield Q 4011 Weekend Mass Times - Sunday 8am and 5.30pm | Weekday Mass time: Thursday 9am

Parish Ministries


St Agatha’s Parish Finance Council

The spiritual vision of the Church cannot be separated from its presence in the world and its effective management of material resources. The responsibility for such management lies in the hands of the Parish Priest or Administrator, but needs the assistance of a Parish Finance Council which is a canonically necessary part of the overall structure of every Parish.

The Parish Finance Council is essential for the effective management of a modern Parish. Without its existence it is impossible for Priest and People to work together responsibly in the overall mission of the local Church. In future Episcopal visitation of parishes, contact with Parish Finance Councils will be an integral part of the process.

The Parish Finance Council meets 5 to 6 times per year.

St Agatha’s Community and Mission Council

The role of the Community and Mission Council (CMC) is to promote the Church’s mission to live and communicate the love and values of Christ in the world around us.

The Community and Mission Council shares in the responsibility for the ongoing life and development of our parish community, working together with parishioners to provide support for their efforts to live as followers of Christ.

Our Community and Mission Council seeks to:

  • Listen and respond to the hopes, ideas, needs and concerns of parishioners.
  • Encourage and support the continuing good work of existing groups within our parish.
  • Provide opportunities for parishioners to:
    • grow in their relationship with God and with each other
    • support and encourage them in their continuing efforts to be a Christian influence in the wider community.
  • Set short-term and long-term pastoral goals for our parish community within the framework of diocesan priorities.
  • Contribute towards making parish decisions that reflect the values of the Gospel and the teachings of the Church.
  • Provide support for our Pastor, working collaboratively with him and with each other.

The term of membership is two years. To facilitate continuity, it is anticipated that approximately half the Council  members will choose to continue for a second term.

In a spirit of prayerfulness each member of the Community and Mission Council will:

  • Attend regular meetings.
  • Provide input to deliberations of the Council.
  • Develop a spirit of enquiry and the ability to listen and understand the issues affecting the lives of parishioners.
  • Provide prayerful support and encouragement for other members of the Parish Pastoral Council.
  • Embrace opportunities for personal faith development and for gaining skills to assist with effective participation in the Council’s operations.
  • Represent the Council when required e.g. other parish meetings, deanery or diocesan meetings.

There are a minimum of ten monthly meetings each year with the CMC reporting to the parish community regularly. It seeks the input of parishioners through various means, e.g. parish consultations, focus meetings and conversations.

St Agatha’s Parish Office

The parish office is the business hub of the parish community with its many and varied operational activities.  More importantly however, it plays a significant pastoral role in the life of the church often being the first point of contact for the milestones of one’s faith journey – baptisms, sacraments, marriages, funerals – and as such has been described as the ‘Face of the Church’

The parish office can be contacted via telephone on 3262 2859 or email clayfield@bne.catholic.net.au

Office hours:

  • Monday – Thursday 8.30am-12.30pm; 1.30pm – 3.30pm
  • Friday 8.30am-12pm

St. Agatha’s Parish National Trust Conservation Appeal

The current proposed conservation and maintenance works includes:

  • New entrance from Hunter Lane for pedestrians and hearses.
  • Repairs and maintenance.
  • Light restoration in the Church – rewiring of non-compliant lighting electrical wiring and the replacement of pendant light fittings. Estimated cost: $87,000

If you would like to contribute to the National Trust Appeal, donations can be made via the National Trust Website: www.nationaltrust.org.au/donate/?donation_state=Queensland

Or via the National Trust Appeal bank account, details below:

BSB:  064-475

Account Number:  1039 1903

Reference code:  0660-013 and SURNAME

A reminder that donations are tax deductible.

For anyone who has any queries regarding the Appeal, please feel free to contact us below.


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    St Agatha’s Parish Endowment Fund

    How does the parish endowment fund support St. Agatha’s Parish?

    St Agatha’s Parish, which celebrated its Centenary in 2018, is a vibrant Catholic community – rich in history, community spirit, and a faith centred around Jesus Christ. In 2016 the Parish launched the Clayfield – St Agatha’s Parish Endowment Fund as an opportunity to secure long-term financial sustainability for vital parish ministries and programs.

    The parish endowment is a fund which provides a distribution of earnings to the parish each year in perpetuity. Gifts to the endowment fund build the corpus and increase the annual distribution ensuring an ongoing stream of funding for future ministry that the annual budget may not normally meet. As the Fund grows through new contributions over time, greater support is available for the sacramental and community outreach work of the parish.

    The Catholic Foundation manages the establishment and administration of endowment funds. Parish endowments are held under the Religious Ministry Fund which is a charitable trust established to protect these assets and maintain them permanently. Donations to the endowment fund are not tax-deductible however, every gift represents a way of ensuring the Good News of the Gospel continues to be shared for years to come.

    Please consider helping our Parish Endowment grow.  To make a non-tax-deductible donation to the Parish Endowment go online to http://catholicfoundation.org.au/ways-to-help/endowments/parishes/ and choose the Clayfield – St Agatha’s Parish Endowment from the drop down menu.  Or contact the parish office for additional options.

    Thank you!