52 Oriel Road Clayfield Q 4011 Weekend Mass Times - Sunday 8am and 5.30pm | Weekday Mass time: Thursday 9am

Parish Pastoral Council

The role of the Parish Pastoral Council is to promote the Church’s mission to live and communicate the love and values of Christ in the world around us.

The Pastoral Council shares in the responsibility for the ongoing life and development of our parish community, working together with parishioners to provide support for their efforts to live as followers of Christ.

Our Parish Pastoral Council seeks to:

  • Listen and respond to the hopes, ideas, needs and concerns of parishioners.
  • Encourage and support the continuing good work of existing groups within our parish.
  • Provide opportunities for parishioners to:
    • grow in their relationship with God and with each other
    • support and encourage them in their continuing efforts to be a Christian influence in the wider community.
  • Set short-term and long-term pastoral goals for our parish community within the framework of diocesan priorities.
  • Contribute towards making parish decisions that reflect the values of the Gospel and the teachings of the Church.
  • Provide support for our Pastor, working collaboratively with him and with each other.

There will be twelve members consisting of our Pastor, and eleven members chosen by parishioners. The term of membership is two years. To facilitate continuity, it is anticipated that approximately half the Pastoral Council members will choose to continue for a second term. New Members

In a spirit of prayerfulness each member of the Parish Pastoral Council will:

  • Attend the regular meetings of the Parish Pastoral Council.
  • Provide input to deliberations of the Council.
  • Develop a spirit of enquiry and the ability to listen and understand the issues affecting the lives of parishioners.
  • Provide prayerful support and encouragement for other members of the Parish Pastoral Council.
  • Embrace opportunities for personal faith development and for gaining skills to assist with effective participation in the Council’s operations.
  • Represent the Parish Pastoral Council when required.
  • e.g. other parish meetings, deanery or diocesan meetings.

There are a minimum of ten monthly meetings of the Pastoral Council each year.

The Pastoral Council reports to the parish community regularly. It seeks the input of parishioners through various means, e.g. parish consultations, focus meetings and conversations.