52 Oriel Road Clayfield Q 4011 Weekend Mass Times - Sunday 8am and 5.30pm | Weekday Mass time: Thursday 9am

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14.06.2015

Make our home with the Lord “Amen” will be the response the first communicants make this weekend when they receive Holy Communion for the first time. “Amen” means “yes” or “I believe”. Every celebration of the Eucharist is a time when we come together as people who believe in Christ and believe what he revealed about God and about living in right relationship with God. From the time we bless ourselves with holy water as we enter the church until the time we are dismissed and thank God for what we have received at the Eucharist and for his ongoing presence with us as we head back to our daily lives, we are behaving as people with faith. The “Amen” of our young brothers and sisters sees them acknowledging that Jesus is present in the consecrated communion bread. They say: “Yes, I believe I am receiving the Body of Christ. That Christ Jesus comes to me in the form of food and drink”.

Jesus want us to be at home with him. We proclaim that we are not worthy to have him come into the dwelling which each of us is. “Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof.” Our Lord never forces his way in. He stands at the door and knocks and waits until we open the door. Our prayer language is shot through with language of home and meal times. “Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.” He wants us to come and share supper with him.

The children before this day have come forward in the communion procession with other family members but have only received a blessing from the priest or extraordinary minister. Today they are done with blessings and receive Our Lord himself. Help them to realise deeply who has come to them and encourage them to spend time talking with him after they return to their seats. We can help them do this by the devotion we shown when we return from receiving the Lord.

This relationship with God grows like a plant germinating from a seed planted in the soil. We draw nourishment from the soil around us, the lives of other believers, family and friends. We come out into the light and continue to grow so that others can be nourished by what we produce.

One of the great things we produce from our relationship with God is confidence. We trust that God in Christ is with us. We confidently speak words and display actions that show to others around us that we know everyone is loved by God and has innate dignity. We care and pray for those who for many reasons have fled their homes and are now refugees. Friday was the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and we began a novena (nine days) of prayers for refugees. Our young friends need confidence because the society in which they will live their faith prides itself on being tolerant yet can be remarkably intolerant of the views of people who come from an explicit faith background, and a Christian and Catholic one in particular. One person challenging the proposal to redefine marriage was derided as being brain dead. Dare to be different to prevailing public opinion and you will quickly see the need for confidence in articulating what you believe.

God has planted us where we are. Bloom in knowledge and love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and others will want to be at home with you as you are with the Lord.

Fr Adrian Farrelly

Date Posted Title Listen Download
Jun 19, 2015 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14.06.2015 Listen Download