The Parish Office is now located at 9 Bowman Street, Hendra Weekend Mass Times - Sunday 8am and 5.30pm | Weekday Mass time: Thursday 9am


The Eucharist, meaning ‘thanksgiving’, is the central act of worship of the Church. It may also be referred to as ‘Mass’ or the ‘Lord’s Supper’.The Eucharist is a many faceted celebration. It is a memorial of Christ’s death and resurrection and a pledge of future glory. It is a sacrament of love and a sign of unity. It is a paschal banquet and a source of unending grace. Ultimately, it is the summit and source of the Christian life.

In the celebration of Eucharist, the Church’s desire to become more like Christ is strengthened. Through signs, symbols, actions, song, prayers and the Word of God, the Church makes present the mystery of God’s saving work in Christ. By recalling Christ’s unconditional sacrificial love, Christians are more closely united to Christ and each other, and renewed in their daily endeavour to live life in the service of others.

The Eucharist has a four part structure: The Introductory Rites, The Liturgy of the Word, The Liturgy of the Eucharist and the Concluding Rites. The Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist are central and intimately connected, forming one act of worship. Christ is truly present in the people gathered, the presiding priest, the Word and the Eucharistic species. A variety of ministries, under the leadership of the priest, serve the people’s prayer and enable an ordered and effective celebration of the liturgy.

It is the joy and duty of Christians everywhere to gather in the Lord’s name to celebrate the Eucharist, especially on Sundays and holy days.

In the year when the children turn 9 (Year 4), and only after having been baptised and confirmed are welcomed to the Lord’s Table to receive Holy Communion for the first time. Details of the full program will be advertised in both both the Parish and School newsletters.

For all details on the new Sacramental Policy of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, please click on the link below.

Information on the Archdiocese of Brisbane Sacramental Policy

In keeping with the Sacramental Policy of the Archdiocese of Brisbane, our Sacramental Program is parish-based, family-centred and school-supported. The preparation requires commitment from you and your family to attend activities that we offer, and upon your enrolment, we have clear expectations that you will participate fully in the program. If you require any further information please contact

If you require any further information please email Alex Atkins (Parish Families Administration Assistant)




Open to all children Year 4 and above who have completed Baptism and Confirmation.

Please register to the first session by Sunday 9 March 

Please click here to access the Enrolment Pack: