52 Oriel Road Clayfield Q 4011 Weekend Mass Times - Sunday 8am and 5.30pm | Weekday Mass time: Thursday 9am

Thoughts for the week

Date Posted Title Excerpt
Jul 31, 2015 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 02.08.2015 OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW Often, when talking with couples journeying to their wedding day, I ask is it possible to turn love off and on. Almost universally I am told “no”. “Even when you have had ... (read on)
Jul 30, 2015 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26.07.2015 A NEW PARISH PRIEST FOR ST AGATHA’S The bishops of Queensland have asked me to be the vice-rector at the seminary. I have agreed to take up the new appointment and shall begin in January 2016. This request came completely ... (read on)
Jul 30, 2015 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 19.07.2015 PASTORAL CARE OF GOD’S PEOPLE The last canon in the Code of Canon Law, the primary law book of the Church, states that the salvation of souls is the supreme law of the Church. The rescue, the salvation, of individuals ... (read on)
Jul 30, 2015 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 12.07.2015 CHALLENING THE STATUS QUO With his letter “Caring for our common home” Pope Francis has challenged all who care for our world to examine their basic values and perspectives, to see what changes we may need to make personally and ... (read on)
Jul 30, 2015 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 05.07.2015 FAMILIARITY BREEDS CONTEMPT AND STOPS MIRACLES We are familiar with the first saying; “Familiarity breeds contempt” but it having the power to stop miracles takes us by surprise. Surely if God wants to perform a miracle how could human contempt ... (read on)
Jun 30, 2015 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 28.06.2015 DEATH AND LIFE, ENDING AND BEGINNING Long ago I commented, as you do from time to time, that life was full of ups and downs. This pious friend of mine corrected me: after the resurrection of Jesus it is the ... (read on)
Jun 22, 2015 12 Sunday in Ordinary Time 21.06.2015 WE ARE A NEW CREATION The series of lectures Archbishop Coleridge’s is giving with the intriguing title “Living Bibilically in a Secular World” reward well the effort expended to download them from the archdiocesan website and listen to them. I ... (read on)
Jun 19, 2015 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time 14.06.2015 Make our home with the Lord “Amen” will be the response the first communicants make this weekend when they receive Holy Communion for the first time. “Amen” means “yes” or “I believe”. Every celebration of the Eucharist is a time ... (read on)
Jun 19, 2015 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 07.06.2015 SHOCKING WORDS, REMARKABLE TRUTH One Sabbath morning, earlier on in his ministry, in the synagogue in Capernaum on the shores of the sea of Galilee, Jesus dropped a bombshell on those listening to him. After talking about the bread of ... (read on)
Jun 5, 2015 The Most Holy Trinity 31.05.2015 LET ME TELL YOU WHO I AM Mother Teresa said: “The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only ... (read on)