52 Oriel Road Clayfield Q 4011 Weekend Mass Times - Sunday 8am and 5.30pm | Weekday Mass time: Thursday 9am

Thoughts for the week

Date Posted Title Excerpt
Jun 5, 2015 Pentecost Sunday 24.05.2015 THE EMERGENCE IN THE WORLD OF A SPIRITED PEOPLE Pentecost is a Jewish feast transformed by St Luke’s description of the events that occurred on the feast after the crucifixion of Jesus. The Jewish festival, Shavu’ot or Feast of Weeks, ... (read on)
Jun 5, 2015 The Ascension of the Lord 17.05.2015 OUT OF SIGHT, NOT OUT OF TOUCH Christianity is listed as one of the great world religions and bears resemblance to religions. Those who profess they are Christian have creeds that declare what their central beliefs are. There is structure ... (read on)
Jun 5, 2015 6th Sunday of Easter 10.05.2015 GOD DOES NOT HAVE FAVOURITES For some people God not having favourites is a complete turn-off. They want to be the favourites. They want favoured treatment. They want to be recognized. They want to be upgraded on every flight they ... (read on)
Jun 5, 2015 5th Sunday of Easter 03.05.2015 AT HOME In a film I watched years ago and whose title escapes me a young boy about 4 or 5 asked his mother “what is death?” Children have a way of asking questions we dults can often skirt around ... (read on)
Jun 5, 2015 4th Sunday of Easter 26.04.2015 Lest we forget. We spoke these words yesterday at the Mass for Anzac Day or at a dawn service or any of the other celebrations where the playing of the Last Post, the recitation of the Oath and the playing ... (read on)
Jun 5, 2015 3rd Sunday of Easter 19.04.2015 THE JOY AND SUBSTANCE OF THE GOOD NEWS The Church walked onto the world stage fully functioning. There was no lead in time. Peter and Andrew, James and John, Mary of Magdala and Mary the mother of the Lord did ... (read on)
Apr 16, 2015 2nd Sunday of Easter 12.04.2015 LOVE AND MERCY Love and mercy are realities that lie in our hands to give or retain. The truth of this is found in the commands that Jesus gives us: “love one another as I have loved you”, “Love your ... (read on)
Apr 16, 2015 Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord 05.04.2015 RISEN FROM THE DEAD. RISEN TO DO WHAT? Archbishop Coleridge in a radio interview on Holy Thursday morning made the point that people can live without Easter eggs, without hot cross buns and even without holidays (central elements for many ... (read on)
Apr 2, 2015 Palm Sunday 29.03.2015 PASSION SUNDAY/PALM SUNDAY Passion is an almost hijacked word in terms of meaning and associations. Exposed as we are in film to torrid love-making scenes and violent responses to wrong doing, we associate passion with intense and overwhelming emotion. The ... (read on)
Mar 26, 2015 5th Sunday of Lent 22.03.2015 LEAVING GRAVES AND LIVING ANEW The men and women who travelled with Jesus and were part of his ministry, the first disciples, were no more gullible than we are. They did not blindly accept everything Jesus said. They asked questions. ... (read on)