52 Oriel Road Clayfield Q 4011 Weekend Mass Times - Sunday 8am and 5.30pm | Weekday Mass time: Thursday 9am

Thoughts for the week

Date Posted Title Excerpt
Jan 9, 2015 The Epiphany of the Lord 04.01.2015 GOD’S INTENTIONS FOR US AND THE WORLD ARE NO SECRET Epiphany is a word we hear from time to time with the sense of “revelation”. Something once hidden is now out in the open. Something once unclear now stands easily ... (read on)
Jan 9, 2015 Holy Family 28.12.2014 We are created to do good. The author of the 7 day creation account in the first chapter of the book of Genesis captured a universal truth by finishing each day’s account with the words: “And God saw that it ... (read on)
Dec 23, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent 21.12.2014 MARY SAID YES! Evil thrives, it is said, when good people do nothing. What is not said as often is that goodness flourishes when good people act with purpose, determination, optimism and conviction. You do this on a daily basis ... (read on)
Dec 23, 2014 Third Sunday of Advent 14.12.2014 ROSES FOREVER If the parish had a set of rose vestments, this Sunday is one of two Sundays in the year when they could be used The other occasion is the 4th Sunday of Lent. Many ordinary expressions give us ... (read on)
Dec 12, 2014 Second Sunday of Advent 07.12.2014 PREPARING THE WAY If we only had the gospel of Mark we may not be celebrating Christmas. Mark begins his gospel with John the Baptist fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah about a voice crying in the wilderness calling people to ... (read on)
Dec 4, 2014 First Sunday of Advent 30.11.2014 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT The word ‘advent’ simply means ‘coming’. Frequently advertisers will do their best to entice us by proclaiming the advent of a new age because of the impending arrival of a car or cosmetic or whatever. This ... (read on)
Dec 4, 2014 Christ the King 23.11.2014 Christ the King Genuflecting to Our Lord present in the consecrated hosts in the tabernacle is a simple gesture. One knee (genuflect means bending the knee) touches the ground near the heel of the foot of the other leg. The ... (read on)
Nov 17, 2014 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 16.11.2014 PRODUCTIVITY IS MORE THAN ECONOMIC Much is spoken of about quality of life. Often this arises in conversations about those stricken with some health downturn that leaves a friend or loved one incapable of functioning as they used to. Comments ... (read on)
Nov 11, 2014 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 09.11.2014 THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA – 9 November 2014 While most people would probably nominate St Peter’s at the Vatican as the centre of Catholicism, historically and officially that honour belongs to the Lateran Basilica, the cathedral church of ... (read on)
Nov 5, 2014 All Saints and all Souls 02.11.2014 ALL SAINTS AND ALL SOULS With these two greats feasts we hear many of the readings we choose when we arrange requiem masses and funeral ceremonies for our loved ones. We decided to celebrate both feasts this weekend. All Saints ... (read on)