52 Oriel Road Clayfield Q 4011 Weekend Mass Times - Sunday 8am and 5.30pm | Weekday Mass time: Thursday 9am

Thoughts for the week

Date Posted Title Excerpt
Oct 28, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26.10.2014 A devout Jew begins each day with a recitation of the words Jesus used in answering the question the Pharisees put to him as to which of the hundreds of commandments they were supposed to obey was the greatest. You ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 19.10.2014 GOD AND CAESAR Everybody operates from beliefs that are not logical conclusions from the application of scientific method. In our western societies however if it appears to some that what you believe comes from a committed religious faith perspective then ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 12.10.2014 ENJOYING LIFE A wedding reception, for the most part, follows a familiar ritual. The guests gather and enjoy pre-dinner drinks and conversation with family and friends. When it is time to be seated people find their table and name tag, ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 05.10.2014 A friend of mine was one of Australia’s leading wine makers. Four Sisters is known to many but one of his finest wines was Mt Langhi Shiraz. In my mind’s eye I can still see part of the vineyard where ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 28.09.2014 PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY In his book the gifts of the Jews, author Thomas Cahill proposes the thesis that without the Jews and their faith western civilisation would not have come into existence. The Jews lived by beliefs that were different to ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 21.09.2014 GOD’S THOUGHTS AND OUR THOUGHTS “Play fair”, “A fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay”, “the best and fairest award goes to …” All are words we are familiar with. Underlying them is a respect for the rules and ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 14.09.2014 HEALING POWER OF HARMFUL THINGS Exposure to radioactive material can cause death. A venomous snake bite can kill. Death can come from electrocution. When we consider just these three – radioactive material, snake venom and electricity – we see that ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 07.09.2014 CORRECTION – A NEEDED ACTIVITY BUT FRAUGHT WITH DIFFICULTIES In 1959 Pope John XXIII called for three things. Hold a synod for the diocese of Rome. Revise the code of canon law. Convene an ecumenical council. No one had dreamed ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 31.08.2014 AS I PLAN, I ACT Consider two scenarios. Scenario 1: a young child playing with the pet dog in the house bumps a table and a vase falls to the ground and smashes. Deliberate or accidental? Accidental. Scenario 2: a ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 24.08.2014 THE POWER OF NAMES Fr Frank Moynihan was the parish priest of Ekibin, the first parish I was appointed to after ordination. As well as being parish priest he was also the chaplain to Boggo Road Prison, the maximum security ... (read on)