52 Oriel Road Clayfield Q 4011 Weekend Mass Times - Sunday 8am and 5.30pm | Weekday Mass time: Thursday 9am

Thoughts for the week

Date Posted Title Excerpt
Oct 12, 2015 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 11.10.2015 IS MY LIFE IN GOD’S PERSPECTIVE? I listened recently to a meditation/reflection on Christ crucified. (as an aside, if you have not already done so, listen to Archbishop Coleridge’s latest presentation on Living Biblically in a Secular World – it ... (read on)
Oct 7, 2015 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 04.10.2015 Loneliness is a scourge of our Western developed cultures. Pope Francis recently made a comparison between corner stores and supermarkets. In the supermarket we are swamped with products that aim to satisfy our every wish and desire. The corner store ... (read on)
Oct 7, 2015 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 27.09.2015 THE UNOBTRUSIVENESS OF GOD’S SPIRIT I am puzzled by many things in life but one that I find truly puzzling concerns the Spirit of God. We believe that in response to the request of our parents (if we were baptised ... (read on)
Oct 7, 2015 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 20.09.2015 I AM THE GREATEST! This is what the disciples were arguing about as they walked along. Jesus was talking about suffering and dying and rising again but, as they had no clear idea what he was talking about, they stuck ... (read on)
Sep 14, 2015 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 13.09.2015 SUFFERING AND GOD’S LOVE AND CARE OF US Our news services reminded us very strongly and powerfully this week that pain and suffering are all around us. Locally, violent attacks have left women and children dead. In the Middle East ... (read on)
Sep 8, 2015 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 06.09.2015 HEARING AND SPEAKING If you wish to spark off an animated discussion ask people which faculty would they let go if they had to make such a choice: hearing or sight. Most would choose hearing as loss of sight registers ... (read on)
Aug 31, 2015 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 30.08.2015 DISTURBED PERSONS AND FREEDOM OF CHOICE Two news articles are fresh in my mind as I write. There is the killing of the TV news people in the US by a former station colleague. There is a stabbing of a ... (read on)
Aug 21, 2015 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 23.08.2015 INTOLERABLE LANGUAGE When Jesus spoke, his words were not always well received. He had a way of setting people’s teeth on edge and bringing them into conflict with each other. One can appreciate the revulsion caused by talking about eating ... (read on)
Aug 20, 2015 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 16.08.2015 Jesus described himself as the Way, the Truth and the Life. With the same-sex marriage issue dominating much of our media in recent days what Archbishop Coleridge wrote recently is worth publishing here so we all have some extra food ... (read on)
Aug 7, 2015 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 09.08.2015 THIS IS MY BODY GIVEN FOR YOU The faith we profess to have and which we celebrate in all the sacraments but especially the Eucharist is a “fleshy” faith. It is anchored in our bodily selves. We are human beings, ... (read on)