52 Oriel Road Clayfield Q 4011 Weekend Mass Times - Sunday 8am and 5.30pm | Weekday Mass time: Thursday 9am

Thoughts for the week

Date Posted Title Excerpt
Oct 20, 2014 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time 17.08.2014 OUR FAITH IS MEANT TO ENRICH US AND EVERYONE WE MEET My house will be a house of prayer for all the peoples. Isaiah spoke these words centuries before Jesus was born at a time when his people, the ones ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10.08.2014 OUR IDEA OF GOD AFFECTS THE WAY WE THINK AND ACT Many of the ancient pagan religions personified the forces of nature and some human activities. So there was Venus the goddess of love, Mars the god of war, Neptune ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 03.08.2014 WHAT CAN WE DO? One of the sayings of St Mary Mackillop was “never see a need without doing something about it”. In the gospel extract we will hear today the disciples saw a need – the huge crowd of ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 27.07.2014 WHAT DO WE WISH FOR? Stories and jokes abound about magic lamps from which, when rubbed, come wish-granting genies. The usual script for the genie from the lamp is: “you have three wishes”. Then comes the decision making – what ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time 20.07.2014 TO WEED OR NOT TO WEED. THAT IS THE QUESTION Stories abound about those, lacking knowledge of plants and flowers, being set the task of weeding the garden. The proud custodian of the garden returns to find not only weeds ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 13.07.2014 ENTERING THE KINGDOM OF GOD Last year the parish celebrated a ball at Portside to the delight of many and the exhaustion of the organisers. This year we celebrate a meal together adults and children. This coming Friday July 18 ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time 06.07.2014 MERE CHILDREN AND THE LEARNED AND THE CLEVER Jesus thanks the Father for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children. I read this and thought “what things”. Perhaps I was sensitive because ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 Saints Peter and Paul 29.06.2014 SAINTS PETER AND PAUL – 29 June 2014 Rome in ancient times was the capital city of an empire. Its influence was everywhere in the world around the Mediterranean and throughout modern Europe. Before the walls of the city was ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) 22.06.2014 BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI) 22 June 2014 From time to time in the 2000 year life of the church so far, distortions of truth referred to as heresies have claimed the allegiance of members of the church. ... (read on)
Oct 20, 2014 The Most Holy Trinity 15.06.2014 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY – 15 June 2014 The love relationship of a couple often begins with a chance meeting and a conversation. They find that they enjoy each other’s company, have similar interests, sense of humour. If they begin ... (read on)